中心在外语学院强大的教学师资团队支持下,以“学贯中西,格物致知”的办学思想,发挥浙江大学综合学科优势,培养符合人才市场需要的高质量、复合型外语人才。近年来, 外语学院继续教育中心积极加强地区和部门合作,拓展海外交流,陆续为国家统计局、国家 外汇管理局、省委组织部、省外事办、杭州市卫生局、萧山区教育局、浙大组织部以及银行 系统、外资企业、高校等培训了数万余人;每年有近3000人从全国各地到学院参加各类培训,产生了良好的社会效益。
中心根据社会需求,本着对学生负责、对社会负责的原则,自2006年起创办浙江大学留学预备课程等系列项目,该项目涵盖了美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、西班牙、意大利、德国、法国、日本、韩国等留学课程,面向社会各个层次的中国学生。中心始终坚持“通过系统教学使学生达到申请国外理想大学的基本条件,同时也为学生能在国外顺利完成学业打 下坚实的基础”的教学目标,提供留学预备课程培训、出国学习规划、国外大学申请及出国签证指导等一系列全方位的留学课程与服务,并不断地根据国外大学的学习要求完善各个项 目与课程,使学员以更安全、更便捷、更实用的方式顺利完成从浙江大学到国际名校之间的 无缝对接,为世界顶尖大学输送了一大批优秀的中国留学生,中心也因高质量教学及专业的 国际留学指导得到了广大家长和学员的一致好评。
近年来,中心不断得到学校的肯定与奖励,连续四年获“浙江大学继续教育最佳组织奖”,2011年度获“浙江大学继续教育二等奖”等殊荣。我们将继续秉承浙江大学“求是、创新” 的校训,以“学生为本、服务社会”为工作基点,为广大学员用心铺就一条完美的留学途径,为建设与世界一流研究型大学相适应的高层次、高质量、高效益、国际化继续教育而努力工作!
Introduction to Center for Continuing Education,
School of International Studies,
Zhejiang University
Center for Continuing Education (CCE), School of International Studies (SIS), Zhejiang University (ZJU), one of units subordinate to SIS, offers training of foreign languages and other skills and services to society.
Relying on SIS faculty with a good reputation nationwide and rich teaching resources, and under the leadership and supervision of ZJU’s Continuing Education Management Office, CCE fully implements the University’s philosophy of “serving the society”, gives full play to the advantages of foreign language disciplines, and adheres to the basic policy of its “High-level, High-quality, High-efficiency and Internationalization”. It has taken the lead in Zhejiang Province in terms of programs of language training.
Aspiring to the school motto of “pursuing education via a fusion of Chinese and Western studies, and expanding knowledge via an investigation of the natural world”, CCE is committed to cultivating foreign language talents with deep professional knowledge, excellent humanistic qualities, international competitiveness and leadership potential. In recent years, it has provided training of foreign languages for national ministries, local Party and government leaders, business managers of Chinese and foreign enterprises, senior professional and technical personnel and overseas travelers. It has trained tens of thousands of people from various units and universities, including the National Bureau of Statistics, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, provincial departments, banking systems, and the organization department of Zhejiang University.
Since 2006, CCE has started to offer preparatory course programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students in many countries including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan and South Korea. It also provides other services such as visa applications, enrollment, pre-enrollment and applications to foreign universities. As many of its graduates have gained admission to the world’s top universities, it has won recognition from parents and students for its high-quality teaching and professional overseas study service.
In recent years, CCE has won the Best Organization Award for Continuing Education of Zhejiang University for four consecutive years, the Second Class Award of Continuing Education of Zhejiang University in 2011 and other awards. Aspiring to the ZJU motto of “seeking the truth and pursuing innovation”, it remains committed to preparing Chinese students for studies abroad so as to enable them to meet the challenges of a modern world.