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SAT阅读长难句108句 [正式版下载]

编辑:wyxy8 时间:2014年05月28日 访问次数:179


SAT阅读长难句108句这些句子,每个单词都认识,但是由于使用了倒装、省略、从句等复杂结构,读了2遍都找不到主谓宾,从而影响了阅读速度,甚至影响了阅读理解。你遇到长难句的语法现象是有限的,我们只要把SAT真题里面的SAT长难句 搞懂,就可以搞懂这些语法现象。



2. “No, I won't ride with servicemen,” said my casually seditious father, as he slowed down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I, patriotically offended, watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit.


难词注解:seditious a.煽动性的

stunned a. 震惊的, 惊讶的

duffle bag帆布行李袋



语法分析:“No, I won't ride with servicemen,” said my casually seditious fatheras he slowed

谓语 主语

down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while Ipatriotically

状语 主语

Offendedwatched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and

插入语 谓语 宾语 宾补

getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit.


意群训练:“No, I won't ride with servicemen,” said my casually seditious fatheras he

slowed down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speedwhile I,patriotically offended, watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle

bag and getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit.


